Maybe this is how old folks start to regress back to their childhood... I don't care because I welcome these distractions which are respites for my brain.
A blog about my world. Please leave a comment if you drop by. I love hearing from folks!
30 September 2009
Maybe this is how old folks start to regress back to their childhood... I don't care because I welcome these distractions which are respites for my brain.
29 September 2009
#272 The New Blonde

28 September 2009
#271 One Project Down....
27 September 2009
#270 Still Burning
26 September 2009
#269 at Mom's
25 September 2009
#268 We Have One at Least
24 September 2009
#267 Market bags
23 September 2009
21 September 2009
#265 - 100 Days and Counting....
100 days until the end of the year and until the end of our Project the heck did that happen? Well, I've been thinking about how we put so much importance on every new U.S. President's first 100 days, and how we want to KNOW just what he has accomplished in that short period of time. I decided that I want to see just what I can accomplish in the LAST 100 days of the year!
So I’m going to document what I can accomplish in just 100 days. I know what I WANT to accomplish and I’ll start with that today:
I want to:
- put the binding on grandson, Joshua’s quilt
- finish grandson, Kai’s quilt
- finish my quilt to donate to the hospital
- make an art quilt for the challenge this year
- make an art quilt which is from a child’s artwork
- finish a wall hanging
- fill a purse and a market bag to donate to our quilt show
- visit Kari and her family in October since they were sick the last time we were in CA
- STOP volunteering so much at school and encourage parents to get involved in school events
- completely organize my sewing room. This means I have to purge things and I just hate doing that. The minute I get rid of a piece of lace, I find a need for it. But purge I must.
- select the paint color for our bedroom and possibly paint during one of my breaks. This will depend upon travel plans.
- begin putting all my record albums into my computer
- burn CD’s of record albums. If I can do an album a day, I think I’ll be able to finish up before my 70th birthday! (haha)
- NOT start any new projects until I have completed all of those which I have already begun. I have the attention span of a 2 year old and love starting new projects. So this will be one of my 100 day goals.
- lose weight and exercise regularly (yuck to both)
This is a nutshell version of what I want to accomplish in the next 100 days. I'll check them off as I go and I'm sure I'll be adding several to my "To Do" list! But whatever I can squeeze into 100 days along with working away from home full be it!!! ...You be the judge!
#264 From an eagle's viewpoint
18 September 2009
#?? Virginia is for Lovers!!
Our first view of tobacco growing.
Here's Mom exploring the grounds...naming all the flora and fauna!
City gal, Sarah, with her feet actually touching the red earth of a country road.
10 September 2009
#252 Virginia, here we come!
09 September 2009
#251 My VW Chevy Van

So I had to apologize to it for considering trading it in and I washed it and now "she" shines. She has not forgiven me because I tried to use the heater yesterday on my sandaled feet but it wouldn't put out heat. (sigh) I do love this van - after driving her for 37½ years, I should love her! And heck, I couldn't haul all the crap I do if I got a tiny VW bug!
08 September 2009
#250 Art Museum Treat
07 September 2009
#249 Ashland
I took myself to an art museum too....I'll share those photos tomorrow so stay tuned!