(Did those thoughts ever motivate me?) Nope. Now, I'm not going to tell you how many 5# sacks I'd have to line up to reach my goal at this point in my life.....but more than this one.
Actually, this one is in celebration. This is how much I have lost recently and this is my next goal as well. My next marker is to lose this sack of flour. (Dang it....does that mean I can't make the pie and bread I had planned for the weekend?) Hmmmmm, I'll think about that awhile.
So I'm not thinking wagons full, just chunks at a time and this is one chunk I do not miss!
Good for you......& as Forrest Gumps says....'That's all I have to say about that'. LOL
We won't talk about how many 5#s of flour I need to lose!! :-P~~~~~
I'm with Amy....but you know, I never thought of it like this....make my goals obtainable. I'm with you, starting today...I'm gonna lose one of those 5#s!
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