Remember the clean craft/sewing/art/compter room project? Well, just when I thought I was pretty well finished with it....we decided to get a new computer. One thing leads to another and we decided to keep our old computer and add the new one in this room. Which meant the sacrificing of one HUGE bank of drawers and counter top where I could cut fabrics and store on-going projects.
Amy, don't shake your head, of those drawers held art work from my grandkids. All five of them. Just tossed into the drawer. Mind you, my oldest grandson is 14 years old! That drawer was my "gonna do scrapbooks" drawer!
These drawers were 28" deep and they pulled out 100% and were quite deep. A lot of storage space is now gone.
Amy, don't shake your head, of those drawers held art work from my grandkids. All five of them. Just tossed into the drawer. Mind you, my oldest grandson is 14 years old! That drawer was my "gonna do scrapbooks" drawer!
These drawers were 28" deep and they pulled out 100% and were quite deep. A lot of storage space is now gone.
When Jack pulled the top off, he discovered his little note - he always finds a way to sign his work!
But today is better and I hope to have a new and improved photo to post soon!
OH NO! You barely got to enjoy the great job of cleaning and sorting you did!!! I guess it helps to know that under the new piles are neat cupboards and storage spaces. What will you do with all of the moved items? Why not take over the guest room? We can sleep on air matresses!! Love you, but I don't envy you the work. Meg
very nice blog
Aman Toor
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