12 March 2010

Another Kind of Friend

Jack was so upset last week when the zipper from his work coat broke and he couldn't fix it. The zipper was stuck 3/4 of the way down. He said it was sort of like losing a friend.
I came home one afternoon and he was excited. He had figured a way to wear the jacket; he hammered the zipper off and now uses just the snaps.
I kept trying to convince him to get another coat but he wouldn't go for that. He explained that this army jacket has been with him since 1968, (longer than the two of us!) It went to Viet Nam with him and fortunately for all who love and adore Jack, it came home with him!
I had to photograph it so you can see how stained and worn it is. It is certainly one of his work uniforms! Just the fact that it still fits him is amazing to me.

1 comment:

Amy said...

OMG....too funny! Pop had an army jacket just like that & he wore it ALL the time! We called it his 'uniform'. Maw still has it, of course. ;-)