25 January 2009

#14 Foggy Feel-Good Day

It always feels good to me when I am in town and I see the URCC van, driving seniors and handicapped from our rural area into the city to run their errands, see doctors, etc. You see, as a part-time interim director to the center, I wrote the grants for two of these vans. It is a wonderful program; we are so very fortunate to have transportation for our shut-ins. The current director is a whiz at writing grants and the fleet has expanded even more. So even though it's in the fog, I can't help but get warm and fuzzy feelings when I see it.

1 comment:

Meg said...

What a lovely train of thought. The fog, the vans, the seniors and a time when you could help. Fog is a cushion of light and cotton candy to me. You are folded into it without the stickies. Muted, mild, a white pause in time and place. No wind, no sound, no color, just silence and light. MMM I love it. Me(g)