31 January 2009

#20 It's all about perspective

I was looking for a particular spice that I know I have but I couldn't find it. I grabbed a step-stool and found what I needed. Then it hit me as I stood 9" off the ground that "...this is what Jack sees from his height." I went around the house looking at things from my short view point and then stood on the step to see how Jack viewed things. I really liked his view point. So here are two shots I took from what I see and from what he sees.

No wonder he tells me when the fridge top needs dusting...he can actually see it!


Woen said...

You've just figured this out?

shannonmarie said...

i worked for joe for 10 years and he is 6 foot 5. he always called me a dachsund

Tammy Folk said...

I can soooo relate to this one....I am barely 5'4" and Shawn is 6'2" ....I am always calling him to get something for me, especially since when he was unemployed for awhile he kept my kitchen neat and clean and put things away and such...now he's not home as much anymore, and I'm having to drag a chair into the kitchen to get things...

Amy said...

Hee, Hee, Hee......from another shorty here.....I'm about 5' 3 1/2"

Meg said...

Oh my gosh! Of course we know we're shorter, but I never really thought about the differing perspectives before. I'm going around my house tomorrow and to see what Woen sees!