19 June 2010

Baby Quilt Finshed

This little quilt is about 4' x 4' (47" square, actually)
I would not have chosen these colors to put into a baby quilt but once it was finished, I rather enjoy the colors. They are soothing and would work for either a boy or a girl. It was ordered specifically in these shades of green, gray and cream.
Meanwhile, Jack has re-injured his back. He is on the floor once again and I'm putting his socks back on his feet. I told him it's time to sell our property and our lovely home and move to a condo where someone else mows the lawn and tends to the outside painting, etc. (If he weren't already in so much pain, I do believe that suggestion would have put him down on the floor all by itself! He let out a groan and said he isn't ready to sell.)
He might not be ready, but I have a feeling his body is trying to tell him something and I'm the only one who can hear it talking!

1 comment:

Soggibottom said...

Emigrate :-)
Hope those socks were clean
Tell him to get well soon. You need to give him a back rub :-) :-) :-)

x x x